Thursday, May 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Migration Celebration 2018 Kickoff Dinner

Photos by Richard Schaffhausen and Neal McLain
Woodburning cooker

The cookers: Ron Bisbee, Roy Morgan

Roy Morgan, Ron BIsbee

Ron removes the meat...

... and takes in to the kitchen...

... to be shredded by our kitchen staff
under the watchful eye of the Pit Boss


The lineup ready to serve our guests

Food service line

Ravi Singhania presents the gift to the raffle winner
while Ed Barris describes the action

Setting up the photo contest easels


The MOTUS Antenna

Don West and Sam Dufilho set up the MOTUS antenna

George Valadez inspects the MOTUS antenna exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Photo Contest Exhibit

Table Decorations by Barbara Burkhardt and friends

Jackie Hicks, Mickey Dufilho

Guest Speaker Stuart Mackenzie (Bird Studies Canada) with Ed Barrios.

The Salad Makers

Setting up the front table to welcome visitors

Kim Richardson, Tom Schneider

Phil Huxford, Jennifer Sanchez

Phil Huxford, Jennifer Sanchez

Elvira Buzzard welcomes guests to the Buzzard Table

Photo Contest

Nature Store
Jan Edwards, Roy Edwards, Neal McLain, Vic Slanina, Vicki Slanina.
Neal is holding the "Reserved for Buzzards" card.